Getting a scholarship can be an amazing feeling. This is better when you do something you are good at and you get paid for it. The money going towards your college education can mean that you will end up making even more money at the end after your graduation. Usually business Christmas cards are used to give out seasons greetings to your affiliates or partner companies out there. And what if you could design a Christmas card of your own and enter the greeting cards scholarship contest and get the chance to win $10,000 as a scholarship. is running a Greeting Card Scholarship contest where you design your own greetings card for the upcoming holiday season. They are taking applicants from October 1st to January 15th. Unless you live in the past, the contest has started so try to enter the competition when you can, this is especially good if you are a good thinker and designer. You can also find other business Christmas cards on the site. I may enter this contest but I may make my sister enter instead since she’s better in the designing and creativity field.

Good luck to all applicants. Remember that you only have so long to enter. Don’t enter too late.


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