If you live in the United States you probably know that tomorrow is election day. And if you didn’t know that, well you know now and you can’t tell anyone that you didn’t know that it was election day and you missed it. Being 18 years old and being able to vote is a great feeling for me. Tomorrow I will definitely try to go to a voting booth to vote. I have class during the day time but usually booths stay open until 9 pm. So I will try to go by there after class.
It is pretty hard to manage time to go vote but this is a democratic country and the best part of democracy is to be able to elect the people to represent you. If someone that goes against your beliefs and well being is elected, how would you feel? So you only have one way to stop this and that’s to go and vote for your favorite candidate. Good luck at the polls! Remember you must be a US citizen and must be at least 18 years old.