Dirmania is a free web directory that contains all the information you need. It is a great web directory and best of all, it is free. Unlike other directories that make you may for a listing every year or even Every Month, this is completely free. They do however have rules on what can be submitted and what can’t be submitted so make sure you follow the rules because you can’t really complain about their rules, I mean, after all they are free so what would you be complaining about in the first place?
You can find Dirmania at Dirmania.org. They are a great web directory whether you want to submit your site into their directory or if you are on the visiting end looking to get directed to the right direction so you can expand your business or even find great services listed here in the Dirmania Directory. And as a fellow webmaster, I will definitely try to get some of my websites in there hoping to get some good search engine optimization juice or even get a few traffic from there, works both ways. Again you can find Dirmania the free web directory at Dirmania.org. Good luck with your website!
A directory is a place where you can find information on other related places based on niche or category. There are web directories where you can find information on other websites and there is your community phone directory where you can find the name, location, and phone number of people living near you. Well an industrial directory works the same way but they list information about other businesses and industries and they put all types of businesses together and turn them into partners and just set up a basic consumer to business owner relationship. Let’s say you need stock and custom springs for a business project, you can find a ton of information on other companies that sell these.
Zycon is truly an amazing piece of website. It helps out both consumers and businesses in the same place and helps one find the other. Let’s go back to the previous example of the springs, if you need compression springs, extension springs, or torsion springs for your project, Zycon will narrow down your search and help you find the right company to purchase from. And if you want to list your products, don’t worry because there is something special for you too. You can offer paid or free listings. Of course paid listings are shown more often and usually above the fold of the page. Good to you whether you are that business seeking to help others or the consumer that needs those springs.

Submitting to Directories are an excellent way to get backlinks for your site as well as little traffic. The more directories you submit to the more backlinks you will get which can result in you getting a better PageRank for your site. There are thousands of directories out there. Some are free, some are paid, and some offer free or paid with reciprocal link, meaning you give them a link back on your site. Some believe that paid submissions are better than free ones, but that is totally upto you to decide. In my opinion its one in the same.
One example of a great web directory to submit to is LinkSlinky Directory. It has all three options. Several paid ones, a free one, and a reciprocal free link. All prices are affordable and if you cant afford it, you always have the free option. Submit your page today and get another backlink and expect it to help you with your pagerank.
Just go and look for directories to submit to today, it can only help you.
Technorati is a huge blog directory. Check my Technorati Profile any time any day and get information on my other blogs out there.