The Xattr CloudFiler is an innovative ways for small and medium sized business to back up and store their online data safely, efficiently, and in a very affordable way. You can read more about the CloudFiler at and even apply for a beta tester position as they are accepting applications. You will like what you will see which will encourage you to sign up that much more when they are fully available to the public.

A Watch Winder is a device created to help with your watches that need to be wound in order to keep the time proper. When you are wearing the watch, the watch is moving back and forth and the mechanics inside the watch keeps the time proper, but, what if you do not wear the watch all the time? What happens to the watch if you just keep it in a drawer for several days or even weeks especially if the watch is very expensive? The watch stops with the time and the next time you wear it, the watch will not tell you the correct time. And that is where Watch Winders come in handy because the mechanics inside the watch winders keep the watches wound and it actually extends the life of the watch overall.

If you are looking for a good watch winder such as the Orbita Watch Winder then I recommend you visit, and see what they have to offer. They also have Watch boxes if you just need a nice place to keep your watches while you’re away or just don’t have to wear it for some time. A watch winder can keep you on time, literally!

Siterra is a Property Management Software which will help you plan, select the site, manage the project, along with helping you with maintenance and lease administration of your global sites and assets. Siterra is a very good software to have for anyone in the properly management business.

GO to for more information. you can lease the software any time and use it for your business. Before you know, the software would have paid for itself and giving you money back at the same time.

If you are in need of computer aided engineering which will help you with setting up heating and even ventilation system in any home or big office building. The Flomerics CFD software uses computer generated calculations that enable the fliers to glide with control so you know everything will be accurate and that it will be the best system out there.

Many have used this in the past and they continue to use this software because it helps companies work out the best ventilation and heating systems in any one place. This can be the difference between saving maybe hundreds of dollars a year on your electric bill because it plans everything out and shows you what will work best.

Earlier yesterday a treadmill arrived at my home. Well it wasn’t a coincidence because I was the one to order it from sears just over a week ago and it finally came. I am happy that it finally came and I actually got to running nearly 5 miles over the past 2 days and it was fun.

It is a ProForm Trainer 420 Treadmill. It weights almost 40 pounds less than me so that’s a bit worrisome but hopefully it will last for a few years, well at least enough to let me get down in shape. I will post a review later if possible.

Veoh can be found on This is another video streaming website just like youtube but not as popular. They are less restrictive on what kind of videos can be found so I was thinking of uploading my Guitar Hero 3 video here as well.

The only reason I want to spread the influence of my Guitar Hero 3 Video is because in the video it contains credits and intro that introduces and states Gamers Forum, and I hope to push traffic from my videos into the forum.

Just hope this idea of mine works well.

Today I had to return the television I purchased less than two weeks ago. It became unusable for unknown reasons. I won’t know what happened until they get back me on that, well IF they get back to me with this issue.

Read the rest of this entry

At you will want a great service that these guys offer. They sell products actually and it has to do with Cell phones so don’t get confused with it being about building rodes on this lane and that lane. They offer unlocked cell phones and accessories.

At the site mentioned above, you will be able to find unlocked cell phones so you can use it with any mobile phone providers. This is an absolute great way to make sure the cell phone you are getting is compatible with your phone provider otherwise there could be problems.

LighterLight.Com offers some awesome looking LED flash lights for you and anyone else that needs it. They all look like cigarette lighters but they aren’t. Thats where the name Lighter Light comes from. Looks like a lighter but it’s really a flash light, an awesome looking LED Flash light.

This product has been out for a few months and it has created some good buzz all over due to its design, look, and feel to the thing. If you have a cigarette lighter adapter anywhere such as your car or your key chain, you can put the lighter light on there and carry it with you. It is rechargeable so you don’t have to worry about spending money on batteries every month or so. Just come home and charge it when you don’t need it and take it on the go when you really do need it.

Cisco Cables can be found on Diablo Cable and you can use these for all your technological use and needs. If you need a long cisco fiber optic cable, you can find it on for a cheaper price than most other places but this lowering of price does not lower the quality of the cable.

Cisco is one of the greatest computer and other hardware device companies out there. Linksys routers are Cisco products and from my experience these are great. If you have cisco products and need some form of wiring from them, get them from Diablo Cable and then let the machine do its thing.