You may ask what is structured settlement. It is basically a financial or insurance arrangement. It is there to help some people pay off large sums of money in small payments. Similar to mortgages getting paid from loans. You can even pay your insurance company a structured settlement for your insurance coverage. You pay them monthly or quaterly or however it is worked out, it can be viewed as a structured settlement.
Today at my law class we have discussed about this topic. Structured settlements have been used by people who have lost civil tort cases. Torts are basically when a civilian damages another in any way. No Criminal Activity here. When the loser of the civil case cannot pay the winner the whole lump sum at once, he is granted a structured settlement where he pays off the whole money slowly. This is something used widely in Canada and the United States and it is looking to spreading throughout the world. This is something that is not globalized yet.
i’ve known about structured settlements for a while but you have given some excellent examples, keep it up dude